“As a mom of 5 and having a full time job outside the home, it’s no surprise it would take a toll on my blood pressure. It started slowly with a light blood pressure medication back in the 80’s. I wasn’t too concerned over the years but when all the activity stopped and I retired, it escalated pretty rapidly. In 2013 I went to the ER feeling heart attack-like symptoms. My BP was 177/100. I was given additional BP meds and a stress test. Also 5 EKG’s over a period of time. The diagnosis was anxiety. Over the next few years, it would go up and down from 144/100 then to 155/95. In 2017, I again went to the ER where my BP was 214/138. I was kept overnight and given another stress test. My blood pressure medications were increased to four pills a day. In April 2022 I read an article about Blue Sky CBD oil and wondered if it could improve my BP. Although I am not yet medicine-free, my BP is now 136/87. It’s definitely heading in the right direction! I put half a dropper of the Blue Sky Original Oil under my tongue twice a day. I didn’t really expect anything, but am very pleasantly surprised. I still need to work on my diet and exercise but this CBD oil is very exciting.”
~Anita Moore