“Suffering from stage four prostate cancer that has spread to my bones, I was prescribed hydrocodone, steroids, oxycodone, and finally morphine. The side effects of each far outweighed their purpose, and I was able to leave the opioid express, due to my use of Blue Sky products. My wife, through desperation, explored the many sites and information about cannabis related products. Her search led her to a phone conversation with Greg Carpenter. Greg graciously explained Blue Sky, its products, and philosophy. He met us on a Saturday and shared several samples with us. Since that day, my daily dose of Max Relief Oil, and applying the Deep Relief Balm to areas of pain, has quite simply been a “God Send” no other words can describe it. Based on this, myself and my wife Connie, have shared with numerous people, organizations, and groups, these amazing results, and directed them to the Blue Sky CBD site, and their responses back to us ALL matched my experience. I am living PROOF as to the UNBELIEVABLE and UNDENIABLE results from using Bly Sky products. I speak from my heart, soul, and healing body as to my story I have shared here.”
~ Tom Stauffer