Dr. Eric Dorninger ND, LAc

Dr. Dorninger currently practices in Boulder Colorado at Roots and Branches Integrative Health Care (drdorninger.com). His focus and dedication is helping patients with unresolved health concerns. At Roots and Branches, Dr. Dorninger is in relentless pursuit of diagnosing the underlying cause of illness. “A diagnosis should not be what you are experiencing, but why you are experiencing it”.

Dr. D achieved his pre-med and BA in Kinesiology from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 1997. Fascinated with Emergency medicine, he worked on the ambulance as an EMT for his gap year. Subsequently, he completed his Master of Science in Acupuncture and Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (bastyr.edu) in 2003. After a 2 year residency in Boulder, he opened his private practice.

Dr. Dorninger is a renowned functional medicine educator having taught at Naropa University, Bastyr University, 7 Bowls school of Nutrition and Metro State University. He currently lectures to fellow Doctors on the National circuit for Apex Energetics. He continues sharing his passion for understanding inflammation and the multidimensional causes of autoimmunity, GI disorders, heart disease, pain syndromes, cognitive dysfunction and dementia.

His study of inflammation as “the root of all diseases” led Dr. Dorninger to dive deeper into the current medical literature on the cannabinoid pathways and the impressive effects of CBD in inflammatory disorders (headache, arthritis, brain/mood issues, cancer, etc.). He uses CBD oil regularly in his practice to address inflammatory symptoms based in deficiencies of the endogenous cannabinoid pathways.

Follow Dr. D on instagram @integrateddoc